Sunday, February 21, 2016

The Price of Experimentation

The Price of Experimentation

This is one of the works I did when I was experimenting on finding a good priming for sketches.  I was just playing around with techniques for painting water, and with the Ridner medium, and I think I was looking at Church's Niagara while doing this.  I learned a lot, but there was a latent issue with the priming.  Apparently the oil I applied over the sealing coat was absorbed unevenly, and now has yellowed in an uneven blotchiness that is apparent in the light part of the sky.  If I recall, that sealer was some species of acrylic white, probably one with a lot of chalk in it.  Most artists would never use such a paint for a sealer anyway, so don’t be afraid of the more customary acrylic gessoes – this does not happen with them.  

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